Your teeth are very strong. In fact, the human bite can exert up to 162 pounds per square inch of pressure! But that doesn’t mean they’re indestructible. In fact, you can easily chip them if you’re not careful. But sometimes, people don’t do anything to treat their chipped teeth. After all, chips add character, and if it’s not hurting, it can’t be that bad, right? Wrong! Here’s why if you chip a tooth, it’s important to see your emergency dentist right away!
“I chipped a tooth. Now what?”
Picture this. You’re sitting down to dinner, enjoying the conversation, and go to take a bite of your meal. Unfortunately, you were a bit overzealous, and instead of biting just your food, you accidentally bit down on the fork with your front teeth, chipping one in the process. Now what? First, don’t panic. Next, be sure to find the piece of tooth you lost so you don’t accidentally swallow it. Then, go clean your mouth and assess the damage.
Next Steps
Once you can determine how bad the chip is, you should call your dentist and schedule an emergency appointment. If your tooth is not bleeding or causing you any pain, you can probably wait a bit longer to be seen; however, if there is any blood or discomfort, your dentist may want to bring you in sooner rather than later.
The Dangers of Unrepaired Chips
While a minor chip like the edge of a tooth may not seem like a big deal, it is very important that you see your dentist as soon as you can. That’s because if left untreated, you could develop an infection or be vulnerable to cavities. In many cases, your dentist will simply need to repair it with dental bonding, which is the same material used in tooth-colored fillings and will look and feel just like the rest of your teeth. In fact, most patients can’t even tell where their real tooth ends and the bonding begins!
The Benefits of Repairing Chipped Teeth
In addition to protecting the teeth from further damage, dental bonding also protects your soft tissues from being scratched by sharp edges. Because the materials used are durable, repairing a tooth with this method can also help restore your biteforce, so you can use it as it was intended without pain or sensitivity.
Remember, while it may not seem like a big deal, repairing chipped teeth is essential to protecting them from further damage or infection, and can also protect your tongue and cheeks from injury, all the while restoring your beautiful smile!
About Our Practice
At United Dental Centers of Chicago, our team of skilled dentists understands that accidents happen. That’s why we offer emergency dental services and are open late every weekday night. If you are experiencing an urgent dental issue, we’re here to help. Don’t let accidental chips and cracks leave you vulnerable to further damage. Call us as soon as possible at 773-646-6262 or visit our website to schedule an appointment.